Donor Stories

Our values tell us that the future of philanthropy is much bigger than the historical model of hoarded wealth, closed door decision making, and a privileged few holding power.

Headwaters is the story of a new vision for philanthropy. That story starts with our radical donors.

Headwaters’ donors, grantee partners, staff and volunteers represent a brilliant and diverse cross-section of Minnesotans from every walk of life. Our new Donor Stories project introduces some of Headwaters’ remarkable donors and donor-organizers. They share how they came to understand the role of giving and fundraising in their own lives.

Below you’ll find the stories of people from backgrounds often underrepresented in traditional philanthropy - BIPOC folks, people who don't come from wealth, queer and trans folks, immigrants and refugees. They are the Headwaters’ community. Together, we are building a new model to fund movements one gift at a time.

Take time to explore the stories below, and be sure to revisit this page regularly as new stories will be added periodically.