
I’m a philanthropist and so are you

My name is Julie Vo McConnell but many people call me JVo. I am a member of Headwaters’ Development Committee and an alumni of the 2021 Giving Project program.  

Participating in the Giving Project meant a lot to me and helped shift my view of what “philanthropy” is and who “philanthropists” are. I now see that the most impactful giving happens in community, and ANYONE can be a part of moving money to those most affected by injustice. I’m a philanthropist and so are you. 

With that in mind, several alumni from my Giving Project cohort have organized a special Give to the Max Day match! Together, we’ve pledged $2400 of our own meaningful gifts to support movement organizations fighting for justice in Minnesota. That match will be unlocked if Headwaters reaches their $10,000 goal. We hope this match is a fun way to encourage others to lean into the power of collective giving. 

Today is Give to the Max Day (GTMD) in Minnesota. I joyfully invite you make a meaningful gift (a gift that excites you, and maybe pushes you a little outside your giving comfort-zone) in support of the community-led grantmaking and leadership building that Headwaters does each year through the Giving Project and other programs. 

I’m grateful for my experience in the Giving Project and for this opportunity to be a part of a new Give to the Max Day match gift. Please join me and the other 2021 Giving Project alumni in contributing to support movement-funding work across Minnesota. 
