Black Radiance Network

The Black Radiance Network invests in Black-led organizations and connects organizers, organizations, ideas and coalitions that are working to transform the experiences of Black Minnesotans.

About the Black Radiance Network

The Black Radiance Network connects organizers, organizations, ideas and coalitions that are working to transform the experiences of Black Minnesotans. This ecosystem was born from the recognition that our movement needs spaces where Black power can flourish. The Black Radiance Network brings two important elements together: a fund and a network.   

The Black Radiance Network is a community-powered network, created by and for Black leaders who are reshaping our state. Together with the Justice & Liberation Fund, we’re building a future where justice, dignity, and self-determination for Black Minnesotans is centered. 

The Justice & Liberation Fund housed within the Black Radiance Network, provides financial resources to Black-led groups working on the frontlines of justice. Justice & Liberation Fund grantees will receive unrestricted, general operating support to advance and strengthen the Black movement ecosystem in Minnesota. Click here to learn about the Justice & Liberation Fund.

The Black Radiance Network will host events and conversations in the community and be active in the community, even during the years where the Justice & Liberation Fund is not making grants.

Headwaters BRN Identity Mark Full Color

About the Black Radiance Network

The Black Radiance Network connects organizers, organizations, ideas and coalitions that are working to transform the experiences of Black Minnesotans. This ecosystem was born from the recognition that our movement needs spaces where Black power can flourish. The Black Radiance Network brings two important elements together: a fund and a network.   

The Black Radiance Network is a community-powered network, created by and for Black leaders who are reshaping our state. Together with the Justice & Liberation Fund, we’re building a future where justice, dignity, and self-determination for Black Minnesotans is centered. 

The Justice & Liberation Fund housed within the Black Radiance Network, provides financial resources to Black-led groups working on the frontlines of justice. Justice & Liberation Fund grantees will receive unrestricted, general operating support to advance and strengthen the Black movement ecosystem in Minnesota. Click here to learn about the Justice & Liberation Fund.

The Black Radiance Network will host events and conversations in the community and be active in the community, even during the years where the Justice & Liberation Fund is not making grants.

Headwaters BRN Identity Mark Full Color

History of the Black Radiance Network

The Black Movement Ecosystem (BME) at Headwaters, formerly the Black Seed Fund, launched at Headwaters in 2021. It was created by a partnership among Black organizers. The goal of BME was to build capacity for Black-led organizations, collaboratives, and coalitions so that they could build power and organize around systemic change for Black Minnesotans. Instead of working in silos to bring about systemic change, those initial organizers wanted to create a network of Black organizers and change makers working building power for Black Minnesotans. During the first iteration of this fund, BME awarded $550,000 to 17 organizations with awards ranging from $20,000 to $50,000.

In 2025, the Black Movement Ecosystem relaunched as the Black Radiance Network and the Justice and Liberation Fund. We are looking to build on this momentum and history in the next round of grantmaking through the Justice and Liberation Fund.

History of the Black Radiance Network

The Black Movement Ecosystem (BME) at Headwaters, formerly the Black Seed Fund, launched at Headwaters in 2021. It was created by a partnership among Black organizers. The goal of BME was to build capacity for Black-led organizations, collaboratives, and coalitions so that they could build power and organize around systemic change for Black Minnesotans. Instead of working in silos to bring about systemic change, those initial organizers wanted to create a network of Black organizers and change makers working building power for Black Minnesotans. During the first iteration of this fund, BME awarded $550,000 to 17 organizations with awards ranging from $20,000 to $50,000.

In 2025, the Black Movement Ecosystem relaunched as the Black Radiance Network and the Justice and Liberation Fund. We are looking to build on this momentum and history in the next round of grantmaking through the Justice and Liberation Fund.


Our purpose

Black organizers across the country keep a spark burning bright to advance our collective liberation. Drawing on generations of Black power, they name, imagine, and build pathways out of systemic oppression. These leaders and elders are grounded in the far-reaching ancestral wisdom of Black movements for justice. Their work uproots white supremacist thinking, presses institutions to transform, and forms new systems to sustain our communities' self-determination and dignity.

In Minnesota, Black organizers have expanded the political possibilities for our movements toward justice.

Through the Black Radiance Network, we are building networking opportunities and breaking down silos to connect and expand the organizing that is happening by and for Black Minnesotans from all corners of our state. 

Through the Justice & Liberation Fund, we are providing grants to advance and strengthen the Black movement ecosystem in Minnesota by resourcing to Black-led groups working on the frontlines of justice.

We know there are many ways to organize toward effective change on behalf Black communities. And we know that change does not happen overnight; it takes investment, time, labor, and people power to bring about the change we need. We hope that by deeply investing in Black-led work and organizations throughout Minnesota that Black movement will receive the respect, recognition, and resources it deserves.

Our impact

Why a fund and a network?

We created the Black Radiance Network to house the Justice & Liberation Fund to create and maintain space where we can gather and be in community with one another as Black community members and leaders. We do this in recognition that Black people are not a monolith and that there are varying issues that impact Black Minnesotans differently. Through the Network, we work to broadcast our efforts across Minnesota and across community.

We also know that it is important for Black community to be connected to Headwaters' work to support Black-led organizing outside of the grantmaking process. By pairing a network and a grantmaking fund, we hope to convene a space for creativity, community, and resourcing for more than just our grantee partners.

Information and contact

For questions about the Black Radiance Network and the Justice and Liberation Fund, contact Abena Abraham, Program Officer, Justice and Liberation Fund at:, or 612-400-6274.

For more information about the 2025 Justice & Liberation Fund visit the link below:

Why a fund and a network?

We created the Black Radiance Network to house the Justice & Liberation Fund to create and maintain space where we can gather and be in community with one another as Black community members and leaders. We do this in recognition that Black people are not a monolith and that there are varying issues that impact Black Minnesotans differently. Through the Network, we work to broadcast our efforts across Minnesota and across community.

We also know that it is important for Black community to be connected to Headwaters' work to support Black-led organizing outside of the grantmaking process. By pairing a network and a grantmaking fund, we hope to convene a space for creativity, community, and resourcing for more than just our grantee partners.

Information and contact

For questions about the Black Radiance Network and the Justice and Liberation Fund, contact Abena Abraham, Program Officer, Justice and Liberation Fund at:, or 612-400-6274.

For more information about the 2025 Justice & Liberation Fund visit the link below: