Justice & Liberation Fund Grant

Justice & Liberation Fund grants advance and strengthen the Black movement ecosystem in Minnesota.

About the Justice & Liberation Fund

The Justice & Liberation fund provides financial resources to Black-led groups working on the frontlines of justice. Organizations selected for FY25 Justice and Liberation Fund (J&L Fund) grants will receive unrestricted, general operating support of $50,000 paid out over two years. These grants will advance and strengthen the Black movement ecosystem in Minnesota.

The Justice & Liberation Fund operates on a bi-annual basis. The decision-making process for this fund is done by a community-led grant review panel. 

The Justice & Liberation Fund is housed within the Black Radiance Network at Headwaters Foundation for Justice. The Black Radiance Network is a community-powered network, created by and for Black leaders who are reshaping our state. Together with the Justice & Liberation fund, we’re investing in a future where justice, dignity, and self-determination for Black Minnesotans is centered.

Headwaters JLF Identity Full Color

About the Justice & Liberation Fund

The Justice & Liberation fund provides financial resources to Black-led groups working on the frontlines of justice. Organizations selected for FY25 Justice and Liberation Fund (J&L Fund) grants will receive unrestricted, general operating support of $50,000 paid out over two years. These grants will advance and strengthen the Black movement ecosystem in Minnesota.

The Justice & Liberation Fund operates on a bi-annual basis. The decision-making process for this fund is done by a community-led grant review panel. 

The Justice & Liberation Fund is housed within the Black Radiance Network at Headwaters Foundation for Justice. The Black Radiance Network is a community-powered network, created by and for Black leaders who are reshaping our state. Together with the Justice & Liberation fund, we’re investing in a future where justice, dignity, and self-determination for Black Minnesotans is centered.

Headwaters JLF Identity Full Color

Key Characteristics of Justice & Liberation Fund Grantee

While the work and the visions for building change for Black Minnesotans will reflect diverse communities, tactics, and focus areas, J&L grantees will share the following characteristics:

Base Leadership and Accountability 

  • Selected grantees will advance initiatives that are led by and for the Black community.

Collective Power 

  • Selected grantees will drive meaningful and lasting change, organizations must address the root causes of systemic injustice. These root causes are deeply intertwined with other challenges and tackling them effectively requires a commitment to building collective power.

Root Causes   

  • Organizations must understand and address how root causes are enmeshed with broader systemic issues. By identifying how our collective issues connect to foundational problems, organizations can create sustainable ecosystems for liberation, ensuring that their efforts lead to transformative, long-term change.


  • A solid plan is necessary to outline an organization’s objectives. That plan must include measurable benchmarks, which are essential for accountability. Once an organization has a documented plan, it can easily communicate expectations to the community, hold itself accountable, and allow others to hold them accountable too.

Headwaters strives to be transparent about how J&L applications will be reviewed by the grantmaking committee. To learn more about the scoring process, check out our scoring criteria by clicking the link below.