About Headwaters Grants

Headwaters makes grants to community led organizations in Minnesota to amplify the power of community to advance equity and justice. All of our grantmaking prioritizes BIPOC-led organizations leading work towards justice and collective liberation.

We currently have 4 grantmaking funds:

The Black Seed Fund makes general-operating grants to Black-led groups and supports their organizational development and capacity-building needs. The Black Seed Fund supports organizations whose work amplifies the political, cultural, and economic power of Black communities.

The Giving Project Grant supports organizations that are led by and for Black people, Indigenous people, and people of color that use a community organizing approach to address root causes of injustice. They provide general-operating support to organizations that lead grassroots organizing work across Minnesota.

The Fund of the Sacred Circle provides general-operating support to Native-led organizations in Minnesota that focus on community organizing, self-determination and sovereignty, and systems change.

The Wellspring Fund supports multi-year projects and campaigns within BIPOC-led organizations actively working towards strengthening the ecosystem of social justice movements in Minnesota.

Please visit the pages below to learn more about each fund, its history and grantees, its grantmaking criteria, and its grantmaking calendar.

For lists of our grantee partners by year, visit our Annual Reports webpage.