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Westside Citizens Organization aka West Side Community Organization

We organize the people of St. Paul’s West Side to build collective power, and advance justice and racial equity for all people. We envision a just, united, self-reliant West Side where all of our people are connected, safe, healthy and successful. 

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Grants Awarded:

Giving Project Grants

$15,000 in 2021
Term: 1 year

Giving Project Grants support BIPOC-led organizations that use community organizing approach to address root causes of injustice. Headwaters has been offering Giving Project Grants since 2015.

Transformation Fund

$75,000 in 2021
Term: 3 years

Transformation Fund was developed in response to the 2020 murder of George Floyd and the ongoing culture of violence and white supremacy in our society’s systems and institutions.

Community Innovation Grants

$13,500 in 2020
Term: 1 year

Community Innovation Grants were offered until 2021 in partnership with the Bush Foundation. Grants supported communities to use problem solving processes that lead to more effective, equitable, and sustainable solutions.

Communities First Fund

$15,000 in 2020
Term: 1 year

Communities First Fund grants supported BIPOC-led organizations, responding to the immediate COVID-19-related needs in their communities during the early weeks and months of the pandemic.

Giving Project: New Majority Fund

$20,000 in 2019
Term: 2 years

Giving Project: New Majority Fund grants were offered in 2017. They provided two-year general operating grants to organizations led by and for people of color. In addition, grantees nominated up to three leaders, staff members, or board members to participate in the Movement Leadership Project.