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The Toxic Taters Greater Minnesota

We are calling attention to, a decrease in pesticide drift into our homes, schools and communities. Right now, we are focused on potato production, but we know production of other crops can cause pesticide drift too. And we know there are safer, healthier ways to produce the food we all need. We seek to encourage agricultural production that does not harm people or animals (domestic and wild), or pollute the air or water. We would like everyone to have food without pesticide residue. As one member has said, “Pesticides are designed to kill. They just don’t know when to stop.”

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Grants Awarded:

Communities First Fund

$15,000 in 2020
Term: 1 year

Communities First Fund grants supported BIPOC-led organizations, responding to the immediate COVID-19-related needs in their communities during the early weeks and months of the pandemic.

Community Innovation Grants

$10,000 in 2018
Term: 1 year

Community Innovation Grants were offered until 2021 in partnership with the Bush Foundation. Grants supported communities to use problem solving processes that lead to more effective, equitable, and sustainable solutions.

Giving Project Grants

$10,000 in 2018
Term: 1 year

Giving Project Grants support BIPOC-led organizations that use community organizing approach to address root causes of injustice. Headwaters has been offering Giving Project Grants since 2015.