Community Stabilization Project (CSP) Twin Cities Metro
CSP’s mission is to build TENANT STABILITY THAT WILL LEAD TO COMMUNITY by: informing, educating, advocating for and organizing tenants to take action to preserve and increase the supply of healthy, safe and affordable housing in the City of Saint Paul. Our goals are to work with tenants, landlords and community stakeholders to:
1)Prevent rental property condemnation/foreclosures and tenant evictions;
2)Prevent homelessness for tenants affected by condemnation, foreclosures, and evictions;
3)Increase awareness of tenant/ landlord responsibilities and rights to ensure housing stability
4)Strengthen relationships between tenants and landlords
Grants Awarded:
Communities First Fund
Communities First Fund grants supported BIPOC-led organizations, responding to the immediate COVID-19-related needs in their communities during the early weeks and months of the pandemic.
Community Innovation Grants
Community Innovation Grants were offered until 2021 in partnership with the Bush Foundation. Grants supported communities to use problem solving processes that lead to more effective, equitable, and sustainable solutions.