
How to choose your own adventure with Headwaters’ Annual Report  

By Chris Olson, Grassroots Gift Officer

Think annual reports are a bit boring? I used to think so too, until I started working at Headwaters as a Grassroots Gift Officer and I got a glimpse of how we do it differently. Here are my top three reasons to check to out Headwaters 2022 Annual Report and how you can even have some fun with it.   

  1. Choose your own adventure: I’m a board game nerd and love creating occasions for play & exploration, our Annual Report included. Headwaters’ Annual Report can be a comprehensive deep dive into everything Headwaters did over the last year, or it can be a quick snapshot. You can choose your own adventure! Dig deep into our financials or glance at our By the Numbers overview. Explore specific things that interest you, like our volunteer grantmakers or donor spotlight.  Bonus opportunity for fun: enjoy the experience with your favorite holiday beverage or snack! 
  1. Hear from the community: What makes Headwaters unique is the community voices that drive our mission. The Annual Report lets you hear from Headwaters’ board chair Camille Cyprian as well as donors and diverse Community Voices. These sections make our Annual Report personal. You can read the whole letter from Camille or choose three or four quotes from the Headwaters community. You’ll be inspired no matter what.  
  1. Stay connected with grantees: I personally love the grantee section. Every day, I speak with donors who trust Headwaters to invest their money in the community. The Annual Report lets you explore the various funds and grantees that you’ve support over the year. Whether you’ve donated $50 or $5,000, each dollar makes a huge impact and you can see it right here.  

Hope you’ll join me in choosing your own Headwaters adventure!